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Springtime Cleansing Tea

This tea is one of the simplest for detoxification, weight loss, and looking after the water retention that comes

along with Springtime.


It's a longtime classic nicknamed CCF tea and made of only 3 spices, Cumin, Coriander and Fennel.

Here's how to make a cup


Combine 1/4 tsp CORIANDER SEED, 1/4 tsp CUMIN,1/4 tsp FENNEL SEEDS into 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes and voilà! 

Discard spices and serve warm or at room temperature.

Why is CCF tea the thing to do?


Well, all body types can drink this tea, unless of course there are contraindicating medical conditions.

The mix is revitalizing yet mild, and its benefits are many. It's great for stoking what the yogi's call the Agni, or digestive fire and for restoring vitality after the fluctuating temperatures of a long winter. It's mild yet bitter, revving up the metabolism. and restoring balance in cases of water retention and inflammation. It has a wonderful soft taste that brings calm and clarity.

And the best part is - it's delicious!
Sharron Cosgrove


This tea is suitable for all three of the Ayurveda Doshas and for all ages. CCF tea is a diuretic, and it’s not recommended to drink before bed.  For those with dry constitutions such as Vata, please consider limiting your intake as CCF Tea is diuretic.   

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