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Green Juicing

Green Juice Cleansing

As one of your options for the Cleanse period, consider going on a four day juice cleanse.

How to Go on a Healthy Juice Cleanse

A well-designed juice cleanse can help you reach your health goals, whether you want to lose weight, do a seasonal cleanse, reduce your risk of disease, or all of the above.

The term “juicing” or “juice cleanse” usually refers to a period of 3–10 days when a person’s diet consists mainly of fruit and vegetable juices. Although not recommended over longer periods, short juice cleansing periods are awesome.

A juice cleanse typically contains a blend of fruits and vegetables, which yields a better nutrient profile than drinking a glass of apple juice. You can buy these juices prepackaged in bottles, make your own with a juicer, or find a nearby grocery store or health food store that prepares juices.

Whole fruits and vegetables provide dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a broad range of plant metabolites called phytonutrients (or phytochemicals). But if your busy schedule doesn’t provide you the time to consume multiple servings of kale or blueberries daily, juicing may be an optimal way to meet your daily requirements.

Why Do a Juice Cleanse?

In The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., calls juicing “a fabulous way to get most of the benefits of fruits and vegetables, plus the benefits of live enzymes contained in raw food.”

Among the reasons to consider a juice cleanse include:

1. Contributes to the daily serving of fruits and vegetables

Research demonstrates that including one to two cups of vegetable juice daily makes an effective way for healthy adults to close the dietary vegetable gap.

2. Improves gut health

Juicing gives your overworked gut a break. It provides nutrients in a more absorbable form, and the lack of dietary fiber means less work for the gut. Vegetable and fruit juices do provide prebiotic fibers including oligosaccharides that feed healthy gut flora.

3. Reduces inflammation

Research connects chronic inflammation with nearly every disease imaginable, including obesity. One study found that fruit and vegetable juice concentrate could reduce systemic inflammation.

4. Boosts antioxidants

Vitamins, carotenoids, and phytochemicals in fruit and vegetable juices provide an impressive antioxidant boost to fight damaging free radicals. One animal study found fruit and vegetable juice could improve antioxidant capacity and prevent oxidative damage.

5. Lowers disease risk

Research shows fruit and vegetable juices can lower blood pressure and improve lipid profile, potentially reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease. Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are partly to credit for these and other health improvements.

The best juice cleanses for you depends on your health. “If you suffer from a condition like colitis or Crohn’s disease, you may opt for juicing because the food is easier to digest,” says the Daily Health Post. “If, however, you have diabetes, you want to be able to regulate blood sugar and avoid spiking, so blending is better.”

Juicing for Weight Loss

Many people do a juice cleanse to lose weight quickly, and if correctly done, they can deliver results. However, oftentimes weight is quickly regained if dietary habits are not changed immediately after the cleanse.

In one study, 20 healthy adults consumed only vegetable and fruit juices for three days, followed by 14 days of their normal diet. During those three days, they consumed 6 bottles daily of greens, roots, citrus, lemon, cayenne, and vanilla almond blend.

On day four, researchers found a significant decrease in weight and body mass index. They concluded a three-day juice-based diet improves gut flora associated with weight loss and other health measures.

Regardless of your condition, the best juice cleanse for weight loss entails mostly vegetables with a little fruit. “Keep to vegetables with at most one fruit added,” says the Daily Health Post. “Fruit juice is high in sugar and you don’t need a lot of that at once, even if it’s from whole food.”

Vegetables are the clear winner because fruit — wonderful though it is — has a lot of sugar and can play havoc with both blood sugar and insulin.

Because they often lack protein and dietary fat, juice cleanses are not sustainable. After 3 days drinking nothing but juice (or mostly juice), you will likely crave real, whole foods. You want to transition back into real food slowly, so your schedule might look like this:

  • Days 1–3: Juice cleanse consisting of mostly vegetables with a little fruit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  • Days 4–5: Juice cleanse for breakfast followed by a healthy lunch and dinner

You can opt to replace one meal (say, breakfast) for a few days with juice and then eat a healthy lunch or dinner.

If you go back to your regular eating routine after a juice cleanse, you will regain the weight you lost. To continue losing weight and sustain that loss, eat meals with lean protein, healthy fat, and lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables.

To maintain your optimal weight, try intermittently doing a juice cleanse for three days every few weeks, which can help minimize any side effects intensive juicing might create.

Make the Perfect Juice Cleanse

Lose Weight and Improve Overall Health

9 strategies

1. Read labels on packaged juices.

Some contain added sugar or other undesirable ingredients including preservatives to increase flavor and shelf life. Always read ingredients and sugar content if you buy packaged juice.

2. Zing it up.

You may not enjoy the taste of traditional green juices. “To really liven up your fresh juice, you should add lemon and a bunch of spices and plants that you might not otherwise eat, such as cilantro, parsley, and ginger root, which provide a little kick,” says Mark Hyman, MD, in Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?.

3. Disguise vegetables you might not like in your juice.

Maybe kale isn’t your cup of tea. Throw it into your juice disguised with a little ginger or lemon and you’ll never know the difference. This works well for vegetable-phobic kids and adolescents too!

4. Drink it immediately.

While preparing a batch of juice can be convenient, oxygen exposure can lower a freshly squeezed juice’s nutrient content. If you make your own juice or buy one from a store, drink it as soon as you can. If not, store it in an airtight container in your fridge.

5. Go for lower-sugar fruits.

If you use fruit in your juice, opt for berries, avocado, and coconut, which are low on the glycemic index.

6. Include clean protein.

Adding a scoop of chocolate or vanilla whey protein can give your juice a delicious flavor with an optimally absorbable protein source.

7. Add healthy fats.

Fruits and vegetables contain fat-soluble nutrients that your body absorbs better with dietary fat. Add two tablespoons of omega-3–rich fish oil to juice. As a bonus, those fatty acids will lower the juice’s sugar impact.

8. Put it all in.

If your juicer can handle it — most can — throw the whole, unpeeled fruit in. There are hundreds of valuable phytochemicals in the peels of foods like lemons, limes, oranges, and kiwifruits.

9. Try blending.

Consider blending rather than juicing. The Daily Health Post says blending “ensures that you eat the whole fruit or veggie that you put in, requiring less grocery shopping and resulting in more fiber making its way into your body.” One study compared juicing and blending. Researchers found whole fruits that had been blended had more antioxidants than fruit that had been juiced.

Keep in mind that certain people, including those with eating disorders or blood sugar imbalances including Type 1 or 2 diabetes, should be especially mindful of juicing or blending. Regardless of your condition, always confer with a healthcare professional before you undergo any caloric-restricted diet.

Jump over to the recipes section to find a recipe for making simple Green Juice

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